Monday, March 14, 2011

This Post Has Nothing to do with #SXSW

For the next four days if you're in the tech industry you're going to hear a non-stop stream of information about SXSW. It's the time of year when many new startups are struggling to rise above all the noise and be heard. And when everybody is shouting it becomes overwhelming. I'm actually in Austin at the moment. It turns out this is "the year of group messaging" and since I'm a shareholder in the largest player in the space, TextPlus (7.7m monthly actives), I thought I should come here to represent. With all these companies vying for attention and others just here to soak up the vibe I thought I'd write a much broader piece on how startups with a 10-point plan on how startups can make the most of their attendance at conferences and events. Read on ...



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