Monday, August 6, 2012

Guardian photographer captures the 2012 Olympics with his iPhone 4S

Guardian sports photographer captures 2012 olympics with an iPhone 4S

Guardian sports photographer Dan Chung is in London covering the 2012 Olympic games. To photograph them he is using nothing but his iPhone 4S, a pair of binoculars, and Snapseed.

The idea that you need a DSLR camera to capture amazing photos is quickly becoming a myth nowadays. This is a prime example of how an iPhone 4S and a little bit of MacGyver engineering can produce spectacular images.

Chung uses his binoculars as a telephoto lens for his iPhone 4S in order to get in close on the action. He isn't using any lens add-ons but just snapping the photo and importing it into the popular iPhone photo editing app Snapseed. He performs a couple edits and then shares it with the rest of the world.

The great part about the iPhone is that unlike a traditional DSLR, you're already connected to the internet and you can share your images instantly with the world. This makes is simple to just upload the images where they need to be without dealing with memory cards or expensive wireless kits for traditional cameras.

We've been running photo contests here at iMore each week that really show that sometimes it isn't always the lens but who is behind it and what creativity someone puts into it. Our readers have done an excellent job of showcasing just how fast mobile camera technology has progressed over the years.

Hit the links below to read more and see tons more shots that Dan has managed to snap throughout the Olympic Games. And if you've got any amazing photos you've taken with your iPhone, be sure to share them in our iMore photography forum!

Source: Cult of Mac

Image Credit: Guardian Sport



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