Monday, January 9, 2012

Facebook Adds In-Game Offers Option For All Developers, Hoping To Further Diversify Revenue

Screen Shot 2012-01-07 at 9.50.20 AMFacebook has just started letting any developer on its platform run advertising offers that pay out directly in the native currency of their games. Let's say you're playing Ravenskye City, a new simulation-exploration game from Lolapps, and you want to get some more of its Skye virtual currency without buying Credits. You can now take a selection of offers -- signing up for a Flixster movie account, for example -- just by clicking through the "Earn Skye Credits" interface. This is a big deal for many developers, because for the past year or so Facebook has restricted in-game, native curency offers to only the largest companies on the platform. That is, Zynga, EA's Playfish, Playdom, and a few of the others who had signed on to the exclusive five-year commitment to use Facebook Credits as their exclusive virtual currency in games.



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